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Bovine Services

Goat Services

Equine Services

Bovine Services

  • Preventative Medicine
  • Vaccinations
  • Preg. Checking
  • Breeding
  • Soundness Exams/Semen Testing/Trich. Testing
  • Obstetrics
  • Lameness
  • Medicine
  • Surgery
  • Surgical Castration or Banding

Goat Services

  • Herd Health
  • Preventative Medicine
  • Vaccines and Parasite Control
  • Obstetrics
  • Lameness
  • Medicine
  • Surgery
  • Dehorning
  • Castrations

Equine Services

  • Vaccinations
  • Parasite Control
  • Medicine
  • Artificial Insemination
  • Dental Exams/Motorized Floating/Teeth Extraction
  • Castration